Trash Pickup
Vandemere trash collection services are established through Town Hall. Payments can be made quarterly or yearly.
GFL Environmental
Green For Life
Town of Vandemere Trash Collection Rates
Per Canister
Time Frame Residential Business
Quarterly $45.00 $68.00
Yearly $180.00 $272.00
Quarterly Payment Schedule
Time Frame Due Dates
1st Quarter (JAN, FEB, MAR) December 10
2nd Quarter (APR, MAY, JUN) March 10
3rd Quarter (JUL, AUG, SEP) June 10
4th Quarter (OCT, NOV, DEC) September 10
*Payment due upon receipt of invoice
*Please mail a check or money order
payable to the Town of Vandemere
Payment Guidelines
*A $12.00 late fee will be applied, per month, if not paid by due date
*A drop box is located at the front of the Vandemere Town Hall for your convenience
Mailing Address
Town of Vandemere
P.O. Box 338
Vandemere, NC 28587